Sunday, June 10, 2007

I date him, I date him not

Inspired by my friend A., who is struggling these days to see where she stands with her “petit ami”, and also encouraged (better said discouraged) by some of my own experiences, I thought about drawing a list of the non-dateable professions. People that we should not date because their “raison d’etre” contradicts our expectations. I know, I know, the myth says that women have high expectations; they don’t want you to pick your nose or scratch your balls in front of them etc.

My list revolves around those professions where men love themselves too much to be able to look around. For today, I only listed, alphabetically, the artists, the (graphic) designers and the engineers. I must admit they are very creative human beings (are they human?) but they cannot live another day unless they look in the mirror and say “I am great/the greatest. Aren’t I?”

Creativity is about originality, about uniqueness, about finding unbeaten paths. It always gives you the feeling that you are the best, the only one. Thus you start loving yourself more than anything, becoming addicted to the tension you get when you touch the “mortal” human beings.

What would a woman do around any of them? She would feel incomplete, part-time loved, sometimes used for another creative insight.

But women know those men are far from being perfect. Simply because those men can only have one side of their mortal beingness: the professional life. And to be complete you need something more. Apart from the true genius, you need to share true love. Only then can you say “I am the best”.

Later edit: I cannot help loving the creative men. They're an inspiration to me and to my life. Still, I will never follow any of them up to the end of the world if it is only for their sharp mind.


Tina said...

I'd say "date him". Then decide if it's worth the trouble or not.

Some people make time for the significant other. So, if one is busy like hell and makes time for you, it's a very good sign, providing positive feedback about the health of the relationship...

On the other hand, what can we say about those with plenty of time on their hands and no time at all whatsoever... Perhaps numerous blog entries, only to be erased and republished again. :P


Malina said...

Tina, your comment was sooo positive and you reminded me something that i had forgotten: if they make time for you, no matter how busy they are, it means they are valuable people... but it is not enough to see it... there is some distance that you cannot cover by this discovery...